Bowbrook Studios
In the heart of the English countryside their team of gifted enthusiastic craftsmen work with the world's finest traditional and modern materials blending them and creating exquisite sculptures for you to own and cherish.
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is 4 3/8 inches
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is @ 6 1/2 inches
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is 3 3/4 inches
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is inches
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is 4 1/8 inches
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is 4 7/8 inches
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is 4 inches
Clicking on small photo will open a larger image
Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is 4 7/8 inches
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is inches
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Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is inches
Clicking on small photo will open a larger image
Bronzed pewter and hand painted cast resin
Size is 4 3/4 inches
Clicking on small photo will open a larger image
Clicking on small photo will open a larger image
Sparrow and Grape Hyacinth | $55.00
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Clicking on small photo will open a larger image
Clicking on small photo will open a larger image
Clicking on small photo will open a larger image